Eric Nagle, Founder

Born and raised in Upstate New York, Eric currently owns and operates three small businesses.  After finishing graduate work in Manhattan NY, he returned upstate to turn his creative ideas into tangible organizations.

Eric's diverse education has bridged boundaries in many professional fields and networks.  Receiving a bachelors degree in Business Administration and completing graduate work in Audio Engineering is just where his education begins.  He also has extensive education in Sales, Marketing, Graphic Design, Photography, Construction, and Architecture.  Combine this training with the real world experiences of building and owning a construction company, a nightclub, a design firm, and several other ventures has lead Eric to have a wealth of working knowledge on the development of small businesses.  

Eric has been married to his wife Alycia since October 10, 2010, and has two beautiful daughters Ava (2), And Elexa (1).